Shipping & Delivery

Türkiye Cargo & Delivery

  • Aras Cargo
  • 49.99 ₺ Within Türkiye
  • Free Shipping Over 1000.00 ₺ (Within Türkiye)
  • Shipment Tracking Number Sharing


  • Delivery Estimated Within 1-3 Business Days


Delivery General Information

  • We aim to deliver the products you ordered during working hours, by 15:00 at the latest, on the same day. ​However, just in case, cargo delivery time is 7 business days as stated in the product detail. You will be informed in case of possible delayed delivery.

Worldwide Shipping

  • Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Russia, Syria, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen
  • 500
  • Shipment Tracking Number Sharing

Delivery General Information

  • We aim to deliver the products you ordered during working hours, by 15:00 at the latest, on the same day. However, just in case, cargo delivery time is 7 business days as stated in the product detail. You will be informed in case of possible delayed delivery.